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Friday, 15 April 2022 - 21:26 WIB

Imran Khan’s Failure and Scholars Believe in Muhammad Qasim’s Dreams

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

السلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ

On April 15, 2022, Muhammad Qasim saw a dream,

In this dream I see that Imran Khan’s government has failed, finished and they leave the government offices and go away. I am standing afar and looking at all this. I say that everything happened to Imran Khan, exactly as I had seen them in my dreams. I get very happy to see this that my dreams have come true. I say Allah had shown me the truth.

I then leave towards my home. As I am walking home, I see a large Group of Ullamas walking towards me from the other end of the street. It seemed like this Group of Ullamas were from all around the world but there were more Indonesian Ullamas amongst them. As I get closer to them and eventually pass by them, some of them (mostly Indonesian) stop and say, this is Qasim the guy with dreams. And then they come to say Salam to me and shake my hand. The other ullamas, whom didn’t know me also stop seeing this.

Baca Juga:  12 Veil of Dreams Regarding the Future of Muhammad Qasim and Pakistan

Then I say that the dreams about Imran Khan have come true by the mercy of Allah SWT. If my dreams about Imran Khan have come true then my dreams about the Rise of Islam and Pakistan will also come true. I think to myself, that If these Ullamas truly love Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW, then after the truth and evidence has come to light about my dreams, they should in every circumstance spread these dreams with evidence to others. If they spread these dreams this way, then this will have more impact on Pakistan and the rest of the world.

Baca Juga:  People of Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh Help Spread Dreams

I think about this as I continue walking, and I see that those Ullamas also follow me towards my home. I reach home, and there is a gathering of many people and Ullamas, as if there is an important event happening in front of my house.

Dream Ends

والسلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ

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