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Monday, 24 July 2023 - 06:07 WIB

Slow Running Car



بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

21 July 2023

in a dream, Allah gives a car and orders me to go to the place. I don’t know where to go, so Allah only tells me to go from this road and it was like a tunnel type road, and there were 3 lanes and I was in the middle lane and was going slowly due to rush and I also don’t know that after this road where I have to go, so I go more slowly and carefully because Allah gave me that car, so I have to protect it also, then after it, the road get blocked due to rush or something and there I stops the car and also I says what happened? Why the traffic is totally blocked?

Then I see some people, maybe they come out from their cars or come from somewhere else. I see they are bad people which see me there and they say to each other, “Oh it’s Qasim! We have to stop him so he can’t go where he wants to go, but then suddenly Allah also send some people there, which see me and say “oh he is Qasim! We have to protect him and also his car as they also see bad people there and they say Allah have ordered him to go and we have to help him, and I was like, how did they come to know? And they get close to me. So, when they close to me, those bad people stay away as they see 2-3 people around me, and they were good people and also calling others to come and join there, we have to make a way for him, so he can reach where Allah have told him to go, then I say that Allah sent his help in form of those people, and then road opens, but still traffic was going slowly. Bad people also waiting for others to come but Allah keep sending good people there and they covering the car so no one can damage it. We keep going and more people continue coming to join.

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Then suddenly, I see a big black bull comes there and with it some bad people also come, but during this more people come and whoever comes also start calling others to come and join us and to do what Allah and Muhammad s.a.w ordered to us, they don’t look familiar to each other, like random people on the road or market but they see someone and come to help, (they were from different nations, different people, but gathering on the purpose that we have to make a way for Qasim, and it is our duty more than the other works in our lives. In those people, some were doing more work means, making ways, calling loudly to others and also protecting the car), and I see that bull keeps an eye on me, and I’m driving the car slowly and I say in my heart, whenever this bull got a chance, he will hit the car and what if those people can’t defend it and bull may damage the car a lot as bull can do, but I say Allah is with us, he will protect us, during this, those people also makes a way, so we can go fast as more bad people coming there and I also says the same in my heart that we should move faster, so they can’t get a chance to stop us, once we reached the destiny, they will go away, then those good people make a space on the first lane and say to me, “Qasim move here, we have to go from there and then that bull sees us and he comes and try to kick the car but due to people around the car, he was unable to hit the car directly but he hit 2 of those people but those people also remain safe by the mercy of Allah. Then that bull stays away as he got to know that it is not easy to hit the car. Then I look again to that bull and I says it’s not a bull, it’s bad people which are covered with bull getup, so we can feel more scared by it, but I say that thanks to Allah! he did not only save the people but also saved the car, and then we move fast and those people were also running with the car.

Baca Juga:  Mubahalah

And then that tunnel type road was going to end and at the end of the road, there was an airport and those people tells me that we reached here by the mercy of Allah, you have to go there in the plane, and I say how did they know I have to go there? Who told them? Then someone says that we have to go on the plane, and I says that what about the car? Someone says, “We will park it in a safe place but your destiny is there and we have to go on the plane, I feel as they will load the car on the plane, then I says ok and I get out of the car, and then I meet those people of different nations and I says it’s Allah, Who told them to go and join Qasim, otherwise, how can they know about me? It was a long and difficult journey but Allah helps and keeps sending those people, and I says “So Allah told them about it, where I have to go, means, to the destiny, but why Allah did not tell me that where I have to go exactly so I can go myself instead of being confused on the road, and he only told me to go from the tunnel, but I say that whatever! Allah have made it happen by his mercy and Allah sent those people, and then we were preparing to go on the plane and dream ends there.

Baca Juga

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