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Saturday, 28 May 2022 - 13:21 WIB

Allah Moves Them to Believe Muhammad Qasim’s Dream

Allah Menggerakkan Mereka Percaya Mimpi Muhammad Qasim

Allah Menggerakkan Mereka Percaya Mimpi Muhammad Qasim

The Importance of Dreams in the Last Days

What is the significance of dreams in the last days? Rosulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم once said,

“When the doomsday is near, then it is rare for a Muslim’s dream to be untrue. And the most true dream is the dream of someone who always speaks right. A Muslim’s dream is part of the forty-five kinds of Nubuwwah (revelation).” HR Muslim: 4200

Explaining the importance of dreams, Habib Novel bin Muhammad Alaydrus in one of his lectures said, “Do not underestimate dreams. Because the prophet Joseph was the journey of his life in a dream. His miracles conquered dreams”. He reminded Muslims to believe in the dreams of kyai and clerics. Habib Alaydrus asserts that the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said the dream of a mukmim was a quarter-six part of the prophethood. “If you underestimate the dream of a believer, then you underestimate islamic law”. Resolute Habib who manages the Majlis Ar-Raudhoh in Surakarta.

Why do dreams have an important position in the course of human life? Dreams are the authority of the Creator. Humans cannot order to dream according to the scenario because dreams are impressions of memory during human sleep. During sleep man cannot manage the memory to show something that his brain wants. His brain was already controlled by the Creator. KH Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim aka Gus Baha explained the importance of dreams. He stated that in the world of pesantren, the image of dreams has the highest authority over the image in the real world. “Dreams of having the highest authority trump seeing firsthand in the real world,” he said.

Gus Baha gives scientific reasons regarding his statement regarding the authority of dreams. Because in the real world, the human mind towards someone or something must be affected whether it is happy or not, whether it needs or not with the person or thing. Because he is affected by many interests in himself, man cannot look honestly at every person or thing. So in the theory of the book of stupidity it is precisely when looking at it in the real world. In fact, the living human being was in a sleeping position and only came to his senses after he died. When living, man considers money very important but when he dies he only realizes that money is worthless in life because the most valuable thing is prostration. It was the moment of prostration that was the most precious thing in life because at that time he had the closest distance to his creator.

Muhammad Qasim’s Dream

The phenomenon of Muhammad Qasim, a believer from Lahore, Pakistan, became something remarkable in the last days. Not only because in the dream he got many pictures of the future of Muslims but also Allah جل جلاله and Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم conveyed the message. The encounter with Rosulullahصلى الله عليه وسلم in his dream reached 300 times more and the encounter through the veil with Allahجل جلاله reached 500 times more. Muhammad Qasim admitted that since the age of 13, he had this dream until now. He remembered very well every dream of his. Helper, a term for those who believe and help spread Muhammad Qasim’s dream, has posted part of the dream.

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There are about 800 helpers in Indonesia who are members of the End Times Movement (GAZA). They came from the clergy, professors, professionals, laborers, farmers to housewives. Most are not famous people and refer to Muhammad Qasim as Al Mahdi or the person who was given the clue. Allah جل جلاله ordered to spread his dream in 2013, Muhammad Qasim began to convey his dream to his family, relatives and people in his village. But few believe it. He then spread his dream through his youTube channel assisted by Awais Naseer from Pakistan, an IT expert who previously did not know who Muhammad Qasim was.

Hidayah from Allah

Who moved people to know and finally believe in the dream of Sayyid Muhammad Qasim? Some people began to believe in him through dreams, meaning that with the blessings of Allahجل جلاله led people to believe in sayyid Qasim’s dream. In the dreams of some helpers, some saw Rosulullah guiding Muhammad Qasim. There were also helpers who saw people swarming around Muhammad Qasim. There is a helper who only hears the sound of an exclamation to believe his dream, and various other markings. Surprisingly, most of the time, probably about 90 percent of helpers are Indonesian. Meanwhile, from Pakistan itself, he began to talk about Muhammad Qasim after an envoy from an Indonesian helper came who met directly to Lahore, Pakistan. Before the envoy from Indonesia arrived in October 2021, Sayyid first got the news through a dream from Allahجل جلاله that there would be two messengers coming from the East to strengthen the spread of the true dream.

A number of testimomies from helpers, why they believe Muhammad Qasim’s dream has been spread on the Youtube channel. Helpers are increasingly convinced Muhammad Qasim is the Al-Mahdi that Muslims are waiting for because in a number of dreams it describes the rise of Islam from Pakistan to liberate countries in the Middle East including Jerusalem.

Believe muhammad Qasim’s dream

What made them believe in Muhammad Qasim? Some of them had dreams of meeting prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. In the dream, Rosulullah asked them to help spread Muhammad Qasim’s dream throughout the world. Awais Naseer from Pakistan, one of the people who experienced the dream. He is an IT expert who previously did not know who Muhammad Qasim was. Indra Noverian from Indonesia also experienced something similar. Indra dreamed in front of the Kaaba, seeing prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم holding the shoulders of Muhammad Qasim and those around him shouting “Al Mahdi.. Al Mahdi.. ” while coming to Muhammad Qasim who was standing with the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. Indra and his family have emigrated to Pakistan to build agribusiness for the End Times Movement in Pakistan. They are both currently members of the Muhammad Qasim dream dissemination team through the Youtube channel. There is another helper named Martha Rossa from Pekalongan Central Java. He believed Muhammad Qasim was Al Mahdi because he had dreamed of seeing Muhammad Qasim’s face glowing while discussing modern shirk and how to stay away from it with a group of people in a cave.

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In addition to the extraordinary experience of the helper , the scholars also all first learned the content of Muhammad Qasim ‘s dream which did not cover the Qur’an and hadith at all. In fact, they judged, Sayyid Qasim’s dream is in accordance with hadith that discusses the end times such as about the figure of the Dajjal, Ya’juj and Ma’juj, the descent of the Prophet Isa into the world, and the third world war. There are also helpers who believe in Muhammad Qasim after getting the appearance of a Cloud in the form of Allah in Arabic for three times after invoking Allahجل جلاله instructions about Muhammad Qasim.

Many other things led the helper to believe in Sayyid Qasim and his dreams. All dreams and directions of the heart to believe are the authority of Allahجل جلاله to choose His servants to enter the ranks of Al Mahdi in the last days.

Refuting imam Mahdi designation

Until now Muhammad Qasim has rejected the designation as a candidate for Imam Mahdi. Although his physical characteristics are in accordance with the hadith description of Imam Mahdi such as the forehead, eye brows, and mole on the left cheek. In addition, he still has the lineage of Rosulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم from his father’s line.

GAZA chairman Ustad Diki Candra, who is currently in Pakistan, said, Allah جل جلاله ordered Muhammad Qasim to challenge those who mocked his dreams by asking them to make similar dreams that could match Muhammad Qasim’s. However, dreams are the authority of Allahجل جلاله, and in the future Allah جل جلاله himself will choose those who will be the army of Al Mahdi and Allah جل جلاله give some of them the gift of true dreams.

Ask Allahجل جلاله to get a clue, is Muhammad Qasim’s dream a true dream? Is he indeed the Al Mahdi that Muslims are waiting for of the last days? If you are among those who do not believe in muhammad Qasim’s dream, connect the heart directly with Allahجل جلاله. Wake up in the third of the night and then ask Allahجل جلاله. Is Muhammad Qasim really an Al Mahdi of the last days? Use that time to the best of your ability. Because at that time Allahجل جلاله was waiting for His people who would come to see Him.

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