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Saturday, 1 January 2005 - 18:45 WIB

Reaching Qiyamah (the Day of Judgement)

بسم اللہ رحمن الرحیم

السلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ

In 2005, Muhammad Qasim saw a dream.

Muhammad Qasim tells that “there was a beautiful dream in which I intend to follow the path of the last Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. When I dreamed of stairs, I always thought that I should see the next part of that dream. That what happens after I climb all those stairs?

Then in 2005 I saw a dream that I came out of the earth/soil and I found myself in Maidan e Hashar (Day of judgement). And that soil was very pure and very clean and didn’t look dirty or bad. There were clouds in the sky and the light rain and a very beautiful weather. And when I woke up I saw that my face was towards the south. The scene was so beautiful that I started praising Allah SWT that you are so merciful that you created this weather. Then I looked towards the west and I saw that two people were standing in front of Allah’s Arsh (throne). One person’s height is nearly touching the Arsh of Allah and the second man is only as tall so that he reaches the knees of the first man. One man was very tall and one was short and I said that “who is this person that his height is up to the Arsh of Allah? (I have always wished that my voice reaches Allah’s Arsh) And His head cloth was rubbing the Arsh of Allah and he was moving slightly and due to that the Arsh was moving a little. And I said that “how great is this person that Allah’s Arsh is shaking.” And then I promised myself that I will follow the footsteps of that tall person and reach Allah SWT. When I woke up I had an amazing feeling and it remained for at least a month. Then I realized that the tall man could only be the last Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the short man could be Ibrahim AS.

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Then after a month Allah SWT told me in a dream that the tall person was the last prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the short person was Ibrahim AS and you were right to think so!

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والسلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ

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