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Home / All Dreams / Future of Pakistan

Saturday, 20 October 2018 - 22:48 WIB

How Should Imran Khan Rule? and How Can He Succeed?

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

السلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ

On October 20, 2018, Muhammad Qasim saw a dream,

In this dream Muhammad Qasim sees how Imran Khan should rule and how he can succeed. Muhammad Qasim says that in a dream; I am sitting in front of the TV and different things are going on it. Imran Khan is saying that “debt is drowning this country; we have to get rid of it so that we can be free.” Then I saw that Imran Khan is levying different taxes so that we don’t have to take loans but because of this price of the things is going up and inflation starts to rise and at the same time people’s anxiety also increases.

I am watching all this and saying that “this is how inflation will come to the country. Imran Khan is also putting the entire burden on the people. Today, a sack of cement costs Rs. 600. If it continues like this, it will cost Rs.1000 in a short time. Everything else will be the same. How can prosperity come to the country in situation like this? In this way, the burden on the poor will increase and people’s confidence in politics will erode. Imran Khan should cleanse Pakistan from shirk and not increase the price of things and not impose taxes on them. In this way the burden on the poor will not increase. Imran Khan should live on debt now. Where this country has been in debt for so long, there has been some time more. Imran Khan should stop the theft of gas and electricity in this country. Fix institutions, eradicate corruption, end money laundering, catch corrupt people, bring back the money looted from them, and fix the system of hospitals, police, courts and other government departments. When all these institutions are fixed, then Imran Khan may not need to take a loan and there will be no inflation and Imran Khan will have the full support of the people otherwise what Imran Khan is doing, inflation will rise and the poor people will be crushed apart and in this way we may have to borrow more than before and Imran Khan will also lose the support of the people and the country will be stuck in a swamp where It will not be easy to get out of.”

Baca Juga:  Did Imran Khan give bases to America?

والسلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ

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